Bob Bly, author of 95+ books and the man McGraw-Hill calls “America’s top copywriter,” reveals….
How to Get Thousands of Dollars Worth of FREE Advertising for Your Business This Year!
Become known as an expert in your field, generate thousands of inquiries, and get the media to promote you for free by writing and publishing articles….
Dear Marketer:
My boss was in a rage.
“Look at this!” he shouted, holding up this month’s issue of the leading trade journal in our industry.
“What’s the problem?” I asked.
“The cover story is a bylined article, by our major competitor, bashing our technology, and touting their product as superior,” he said.
At the time – and this was years ago – I was a junior advertising manager with a manufacturing company … and he was a senior product manager.
“Why aren’t we on the cover?” he complained to me bitterly.
The answer, of course, was that our ad agency was great at designing ads and buying expensive ad space – for which they received huge commissions.
But they weren’t so enthusiastic about ghostwriting feature articles, bylined by our engineers, to appear in those same magazines.
After all, doing articles for us wasn’t nearly as lucrative, for them, as doing ads.
The problem, of course, is that prospects are highly skeptical about what they read in paid advertising.
Not to mention that running full-page ads costs a small fortune.
Prospects are much more likely to believe what you have to say if they read it as an article written by or about you … than they are if they read it in an ad.
Getting tons of free PR for your product, service, or business – once difficult, now easy!
If you’re not writing articles for trade journals, consumer magazines, and e-newsletters reaching your customers … and publishing them on a regular basis … you’re leaving money on the table.
Now, in my e-book, Marketing With Articles, you get clear, easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions on how to write promotional articles … and get them published.
- Why writing articles can help you promote your business twice as effectively as paid advertising – at half the cost. Page 1.
- Understanding the unique needs of each editor … so you can create material he’ll say “yes” to running. Page 7.
- You can learn to write promotional articles editors will publish. It’s fun and easy. Page 30.
- 10 tips for writing articles editors publish, readers love, and
prospects respond to. Page 60.
- Finding the right magazine for reaching your audience – and increasing your sales – through free PR. Page 9.
- Why you should never send an article unsolicited to an editor … and what you should send the editor instead. Page 12.
- Organizations to help you connect with the right people in the
world of PR including: freelance writers ... journalists ... reporters
... newspaper editors ... Internet publishers ... e-zine editors ...
radio producers ... TV program managers ... PR agencies ... and more.
Page 64.
- Easiest way to find out what topics a magazine has already covered – and what type of articles they want from you now. Page 5.
- Must you provide photographs to go along with your articles? The answer may surprise you. Page 23.
- How to come up with article ideas editors will love, subscribers will read, and prospects will respond to. Page 5.
- Not sure how to write a winning "query letter" that gets editors
to accept your articles? Follow these proven templates for writing a
winning query letter. Page 36.
- You propose writing an article to an editor. He doesn’t respond. Don’t give up: here’s what to do next. Page 23.
- Increase the odds of getting your article published by slanting the topic toward “special issues.” Page 8.
- What to do when an editor says “yes” – and asks you to produce an article for him. Page 25.
- How to write a clear, interesting article your editor will accept … and your prospects will read with interest. Page 30.
- Turning published articles into powerful marketing tools that generate leads and close sales. Page 33.
- Instantly distribute your articles and press releases to the media through the U.S. mail, fax, or online. Page 120.
"I'm really jazzed now. Loved the ebook - thanks again for sending it my way. I had a basic understanding, but the book filled in all the gray areas and put my apprehensions aside. I've written a few articles for EZineArticles, but definitely agree that contacting the publisher of a targeted ezine or magazine is much better. Thanks Bob!"
--Denise McGill
But wait. There's more...
Promote yourself online by writing free articles for other people's
When I published the first edition of Marketing
Articles over a decade ago, I didn’t cover writing articles for
newsletters, because Internet marketing was still in its infancy.
To correct that deficiency, I’ve added a big bonus
section – over 50 pages of new material – on how and why you should
write and submit articles for other people’s e-zines.
The why is twofold. First, as with writing
for print publications, to get your name out there, establish yourself
as an expert, and get people to inquire about your product or service.
The second is to generate direct sales of your
products, or build your own e-newsletter subscriber list – or both: in
exchange for letting e-zine publishers use your articles free of
charge, they must agree to run a URL hyperlink to one of your Web sites
or pages.
The hyperlink can drive traffic either to a landing
page selling a product, or a registration page offering a free
subscription to your own e-newsletter.
As for the how to write online articles
and get
other e-zines to publish them, the new bonus section “Writing and
Submitting Articles to E-Newsletters” tells you everything you need to
know to build your list and online sales through article writing.
- A model “e-mail query” to get e-zine publishers interested in running your articles in their newsletters. Page 96.
- The quickest and easiest way to distribute your free articles to hundreds of e-zine publishers is by registering them on these “article submission Web sites.” Page 102.
- How writing online
articles can promote your product or service even if your business is
local only -- and you don’t sell your products online. Page 98.
- Writing short, simple online articles is a breeze … but only when you follow my proven 3-step outline. Page 80.
- How to convince a reluctant e-zine publisher to run your articles in her publication. Page 96.
- A checklist for writing e-zine articles that submission sites and e-newsletter publishers will accept. Page 106.
- Creating a “resource box” that drives tons of traffic from your article to your Web site. Page 82.
- How to incorporate keywords in your online articles so that search engines find your article and rank it higher in keyword searches. Page 108.
- Not sure what an e-zine article should look like or sound like? This collection of sample articles can help you get the hang of writing articles for the Internet. Page 109.
- Are e-zine articles shorter than magazine articles? If so, what’s the ideal word length for online articles? Page 82.
- 5 ways to get more response to your online articles once they have been published. Page 101.
- And so much more....
Praise for Bob Bly and
Marketing With Articles
Marketing with Articles: How to Write Articles and Get Them Published in Consumer and Trade Magazines to Promote Your Product or Service is a practical, step-by-step guide to becoming rich and famous by writing articles - published as a 131-page e-book available for immediate downloading as a PDF file.
That means no shipping or handling charges … and no waiting. Order today, and start promoting your business with free articles tomorrow!
Here’s what people have said about earlier editions of Marketing with Articles....
“The wave of the future … Bob Bly provides low-cost
marketing with big-time results.”
--James S. Porte, President, Jewelry Marketing Institute
“This guy really knows his stuff. An excellent and
practical PR primer.”
--R. John Slade, President, Knowledge Garden
“An invaluable marketing tool that all business
owners or entrepreneurs should have … even just one of the many
innovative PR techniques in this book will pay back its cost many times
--Fred Weiss, Chairman (retired), Studebaker-Worthington Leasing
“I found so many valuable ideas in the book, which I
am putting to immediate practical and exciting use. This book is the
key to Fort Knox.”
--Dottie Walters, President, Walters International Speakers Bureau
Use it risk-free for 90 days
Very few PR agencies or freelance PR writers guarantee article placements – and virtually no PR services can assure you of increased leads, orders, or sales from the articles they write for you.
But with Marketing with Articles, you get both. I guarantee it -- or you don’t pay me!
That’s right….
If Marketing With Articles doesn’t help you write and place promotional articles with the magazines and newspapers that reach your target prospects….
Or you are dissatisfied for any other reason … or for no reason at all … just let me know within 90 days.
I’ll refund your $39 payment in full. No questions asked. And, you can still keep the e-book free.
That way, you risk nothing.
In 90 days or sooner, articles with your byline –
positioning you as an expert in your field or industry – could be
gracing the pages of the magazines and e-zines your prospects read ...
increasing your visibility while generating a flood of leads,
inquiries, and traffic to your Web site.
Or, you could be ignored by the media … and when you get the latest issues of those magazines, see articles on your specialty written by your competitors.
It’s entirely up to you.
So what are you waiting for?
To order Marketing with Articles on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, just click below now:
Bob Bly
P.S. Quick-Response Bonus! Order Marketing with Articles today and you get a FREE 60-page Bonus Report, How to Do Your Own Public Relations (list price: $29).
In it, you will discover:
- 29 great story ideas for the next issue of your company newsletter or e-zine. See page 17.
- Promoting yourself, your company, or your product through public speaking? Here’s how to make your talk more memorable, engaging, and persuasive. Page 26.
- How to use “DR PR” – direct response press releases – to generate new leads, prospects, and business opportunities. Page 14.
- 4-part formula for writing business letters that get you the results you want. Page 50.
- Want to position yourself as an expert by writing a book? 5 ways to write a book proposal editors say “yes” to. Page 29.
- Fool-proof formula for writing articles and getting them published, under your byline, in the trade publications your customers and prospects read. Page 14.
- Plus: a special library of sample press releases and query letters. Easy-to-follow templates guide you in writing your own PR materials. Starts on page 58.
About Bob Bly

Bob Bly is a full-time freelance copywriter specializing in direct marketing. He earns more than $600,000 a year from his writing, speaking, and consulting, and became a self-made multi-millionaire while still in his 30s.
A copywriter for more than a quarter of a century, Bob has written promotions for over 100 clients including Phillips, Agora, KCI, 21st Century, Weiss Research, EBI Medical Systems, Sony, IBM, AT&T, Grumman, Crain Communications, McGraw-Hill, Intuit, and AlliedSignal.
Bob is the author of 70 books including The Copywriter’s Handbook (Henry Holt) and Business-to-Business Direct Marketing (NTC Business Books). He has published more than 100 articles in such publications as Successful Meetings, Direct, Business Marketing, Writer’s Digest, and Amtrak Express.
Bob’s writing awards include a Gold Echo from the Direct Marketing Association, an IMMY from the Information Industry Association, two Southstar Awards, an American Corporate Identity Award of Excellence, and the Standard of Excellence award from the Web Marketing Association. He also taught marketing at New York University.
Bob has appeared as a guest on dozens of TV and radio shows including The Advertising Show, Bernard Meltzer, CNBC, and CBS Hard Copy. He has been featured in major media ranging from the LA Times and Nation’s Business to the New York Post and the National Enquirer. He was a featured speaker at the 2006 annual conference of the National Speakers Association.
What they say about Bob Bly‘s copy and counsel
"Good things are happening. I am getting a steady stream of Trial
and Demo requests from the new site. These requestors are filling out
the entire contact form. The site is simpler now, and I am still
working to make it even more so. I appreciate your work."
—Jim Romano, DataForceOne
"Thank you so much for your wonderful work. It has been a pleasure
working with you and I look forward to working with you on another
project in the near future. You were always available, quick to answer
questions and always exceeded my expectations. You truly are a gifted
—Aaron Griffith, The Griffith
"Bob, again thanks for the great copy. You consistently help us
reach customers with compelling, actionable content, when others just
—William McElleney, IBM
"The feedback keeps coming in and we all agree yours was a truly
helpful, useful, insightful and effective workshop. You did a fantastic
job inspiring the troops and we've already begun applying some of the
key learnings."
—Paul Connors, Copywriting Manager, A large financial services
company in the Chicago area
"Bob...your creative work, patience, and 'partnership' with us at IT
Group has virtually propelled us to another level of business
professionalism and recognition. The response we've received from your
letters has been nothing short of tremendous. We've not only derived
significant business from these unforgettable mailings--your efforts
have sparked a creative energy within our ranks which will assist us in
years to come. Thanks for your guidance and counsel."
—John A. Fallone, IT Group International
"I hired Bob on his reputation, and found it is well-deserved. His
fact-finding process in preparation to write our copy was both painless
and enlightening. The final deliverables were right on time as
promised, and better than expected – which is saying a lot because my
expectations were high. The first time I read his copy for our project,
I literally got chills down my back – he nailed it the first time. Wow."
—Dennis Rosenberg, VP Marketing, VNUS Medical Technologies, Inc.
"Bob Bly did an amazing job with our company brochure. We are very
impressed with his capacity to learn our product and to write copy so
clearly and pointedly. Bob Bly is a great marketing investment."
—Michael Manoussos, Manhole Barrier Systems
"Great white paper! I’m in favor of the entire submission. Please
congratulate Bob on a great effort."
—Michael C. Howard, Chasm Recovery
"Your Tax Loopholes ad looked great and is performing very well.
Thanks for the strong copy."
—Brian Kurtz, Boardroom
"You did an excellent job. It's been a pleasure working with you on
this project."
—Edward Brunet, Decatur Professional Development, LLC
"Thank you very, very much for doing such a great job on the ad. I
was one of those folks who would read the ads in the DAK catalog by
Drew Kaplan and this was as enjoyable for me as that."
—Chris Pickering, MeritDirect
"Bob . . . Just got the copy and advertisement you did for my new
book . . . It's great! You are good! Great job . . . you have
tremendous insights into what excites and what sells!"
—Don Libey, Libey Incorporated
"In my opinion, you are the best copywriter in the software
—Judy MacDonald, Director of Marketing, Direct Response
"When I received the piece, I thought, I'll have to skim over it now
and read it later. But, once I started, I couldn't stop! You did a
GREAT job with Ken's story. I love it. It kept me reading. I'm VERY
pleased with it."
—Craig Simpson, Ken Roberts Company
"Bob, It's been a pleasure to work with you!!! Thank you so much!
I'm very happy with the copy; I feel it will give me good results."
—Alejandra P. Bigai, Romanicos Chocolate
"Thanks again for a great job."
—Davis Ross, Ross Advertising
"I just wanted to thank you again for the excellent work you did for
us. You are the man and I can't tell you how much I admired your
approach and service. Although I've never worked with a copywriter
before, I think you set the standard pretty high. I look forward to
working with you again. You certainly have my vote for the next round!"
—DP Jovine, Tycoon Research
"Great job – I’m always amazed at how you can boil the complex down
into simple terms. It flows very well."
—Kyle Hodgens, Capital Financial Media
"Thank you for the copy. I see why you're the expert. It's so
simple, it's brilliant."
—Sau Hyoung Pak, Big Machine
"The radio spots are very well done. I am very impressed with your
work and copywriting expertise. We will be making the changes to the
print ad as you suggested. In the future we may work with you to design
a totally new print ad. Again I'd like to say I'm impressed with your
services. You were prompt, informative, and definitely know your stuff.
We will be recommending you to others and doing repeat business."
—Joshua Andrews, Health Solutions, LLC
"When people get to the promotion, the promotion has a good
conversion rate. In one test, it actually had a 14% conversion to
sale... can't ask for much better than that."
—David Galland, Casey Research
"Bob wrote the most ballsy ad in the history of Dynamic Changes and
it set sales records this fall. People couldn’t stop themselves from
—Richard Scheffren, Dynamic Changes Hypnosis
"Last year you did all the copy on the What Would Jesus Eat
brochure. It was wonderful and I believe is one of the reasons that the
book continues to do so very well."
—Pamela Clements, Thomas Nelson Publishers
"Your work for me is outstanding."
—Thomas Massie, BRIDGELINE Software
"Your copy looks great. Thank you for the great job. I want you to
know that one of the things I'm grateful for this year is meeting you
and developing a relationship which is beneficial to both of us."
—Jack McDonough, U.S. Tax Corporation
"A special thanks to Bob for doing a superb job and making this work
so well. I felt like a brilliant puppet in your hands."
—Michael Masterson, AWAI
"Even though he refuses to admit it, Bob is THE Direct Marketing
guru...or, at the very least, he's mine."
—Jill Perri, American Consultants League
"Just wanted to let you know that as of today we have a 13.5%
response (orders, not just click-throughs) for Stealth Stocks from the
e-mail you wrote for us."
—Gary Mizrahi, Stealth Stock
"Great job on the Turnaround Report; it's been a huge success. We've
had an incredible product launch, with hundreds of free trials in the
first week."
—Marc Stockman,
"We received the letter. Our first and probably lasting impression
is great. Paul is usually very skeptical but he really likes it. I know
we want to stick with the first impression. It looks like it may be
perfect. We are very impressed."
—Frank Lardino, Investors Alliance
"Just to let you know we have been using your 8 ways letter and
brochure that you did for us last year with great success. We decided
to double our monthly direct mailing. Things are really taking off. I
can only attribute that to our increased direct mail program. Thank you
for helping us get an effective package together."
—Ray Hardee, Engineered Software, Inc.
"The letter you composed is terrific. We like your text, and we also
like the promotional ideas you've incorporated into the package as a
whole. Thanks a lot for your efforts."
—Maureen Neary, Tower Media.
"Nice job on the white paper. It's a treat to have my name on it."
—Raymond S. Elman, Bridgeline Software, Inc.
"Your 'Double Your Money' headline won with a 1.07 response rate.
Just to let you know, this offer did better then the two before it did
(all of which were after the new editors took over). I rarely see
copywriters that go the extra mile like you do. I really appreciate it"
—Amanda Hath, KCI.
"We're very pleased! The piece you wrote has at 43 days resulted in
204 orders and 165% ROI. I have submitted a new mail plan for a rollout
for 200,000+ pieces. You'll be getting a royalty payment for this."
—George Rayburn, The Dan Ferris Power Report